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Solar vs. grid power: how much can you save?
Electricity rates are on the rise. The U.S Energy Information Administration (EIA) estimates that electricity prices in the U.S. rose 6.2% in 2023 alone.
Homeowners across the country are looking for ways to reduce their energy costs and many are turning to solar energy. But just how much can you save with solar and is it worth the investment?
Solar customers can often save tens of thousands of dollars over the lifespan of their solar system. To determine exactly how much you can save, you’ll have to do a little math.
Compare your current cost per kW from Public Service Co Of Oklahoma with the cost per kW of your solar system. Then calculate your monthly or yearly expenses across a 25-year period. Finally, subtract your total cost of energy with solar from your total of energy from the grid to determine your savings
A simpler way to estimate your savings potential is to compare your current monthly energy costs with your projected solar payments. If your energy costs are higher than your solar payments, there is a good chance you will see savings.
At Solar Cost Calculator, we suggest that anybody paying more than $100 a month for electricity should consider solar.
What solar incentives Public Service Co Of Oklahoma does offer?
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Commercial, Industrial, Local Government, Nonprofit, Schools, State Government, Federal Government
Incentive Amount : Tankless Water Heater: $50 - $150 Commercial Dish Washer: $400 - $4000/unit Electric Deep Fryers: $100 - $150/unit Electric Insulated Holding Cabinets: $100 - $200/unit Electric Ovens: $200 - $1000/unit Electric Steam Cookers: $1000/unit Ice Machine: $100 - $200 Kitchen Vent Hood Controls: $750/hp Solid Door Reach-in refrigerators: $40 - $100 Glass Door Reach-In Refrigerators: $40 - $100 Commercial Clothes Washer: $50 - $150 Vending Machine: $100 HVAC VFD: $300 - $7000/unit Ceiling Insulation: $0.20/sq. ft. Door Weather Stripping: $0.50 - $20/sq. ft. Duct Insulation: $0.20/sq. ft. Window Film: $2.00/sq. ft. Anti-Sweat Heat Controls: $100/door Smart Power Strips: $10/strip Personal Occupancy Sensor: $20 - $50 Hotel Room HVAC Control: $60 - $80/room Pool Pumps: $300 - $1000 Computer Power Management: $10 - $15 High Frequency Forklift Batter Chargers: $500/charger Gaskets: $4/ln. ft. Night Covers: $15 Strip Curtains: $10/sq. ft. VSD Refrigeration Compressor Controls: $300/ton Zero Energy Door: $200 - $300/door Anti-Sweat Heater Controls: $100/door ECM Evaporator Fan Motor: $80/door Evaporator Fan Controller on Existing Shaded Pole Motor: $70/motor Lighting: See Program Website
Implementing Sector : Utility
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Residential
Incentive Amount : Appliances Certified Swimming Pool Pump: $400 Level 2 Smart Electric Vehicle (EV) Charger: $250 Heat Pump Water Heater: $500 Electric Clothes Dryer: $35 Clothes Washer: $35 Bathroom Ventilation Fan: $10 Room Air Conditioners: $25 Air Purifiers: Up to $25 Electronics Advanced Power Strips: Up to $22 Programmable Wi-Fi Thermostat: $75 Heating and Cooling Central Air Conditioner OR Heat Pump Replacement: $200 - $800 A/C Tune-Up: Up to $75 Ductless Minisplit: $1,000 Geothermal/Ground Source Heat Pump: $800 Duct Replacement/sealing: see website Insulation Attic/Ceiling Insulation (R-22 or less existing): $400 Others: See website Multiple upgrade bonus See program website
Implementing Sector : Utility
Installing and connecting your solar system
When you install a solar system in Public Service Co Of Oklahoma territory, these are steps you can expect to go through:
Once you’ve hired a contractor, you will need to communicate with Public Service Co Of Oklahoma to prepare the interconnection paper. Your contractor will handle most of these responsibilities
After the interconnection agreement has been finalized, your contractor can begin the installation process.
Once your system is installed, it needs to be inspected for safety and code compliance.
After the final inspection, you will receive a written notice within a few days that your system is approved to operate. You can turn on the system yourself or you can contact your installer for further assistance.
Most homeowners prefer to do it themselves. The whole process should only take 10 - 15 minutes.
Is solar worth it for Public Service Co Of Oklahoma customers?
The short and sweet answer is a resounding YES. Going solar is definitely worth it for Public Service Co Of Oklahoma customers. The average homeowner in _UtilityCompanyName_ can save an estimated #### over the lifespan of their solar system.
Going solar is a long game so you need to think several years ahead. It can take a few years to hit your break even period. But between net metering and solar incentives, you can drastically reduce that timeframe.
Want to get an idea for what it will cost you to go solar with Public Service Co Of Oklahoma? You can use our Solar Cost Calculator to generate a customized estimate instantly. We take into consideration a wide range of criteria including location, electric bill, roof size, and other factors. Try it out today and start planning for your future.