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What solar incentives are available in California?
As a homeowner in California, you have access to several different tax incentives that make solar panels more affordable. Solar incentives are available at both the federal and state levels to help you save thousands on your investment in solar energy.
Solar Calculator is here to help you take the next step in your transition to renewable energy. Below, we’ll discuss some of the different ways you can make solar more affordable.
Federal solar incentives
As part of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, congress passed several clean energy provisions to reduce energy costs. Among those provisions was an extension and upgrade of the Federal Investment Tax Credit (ITC).
Federal Investment Tax Credit
The Federal ITC allows you to claim 30% of your total equipment and installation costs on your federal taxes. There is no minimum or maximum amount you can claim and it includes equipment, installation, permitting, and even battery storage.
The ITC will remain at 30% until December 31, 2032. After that it will be reduced to 26% until December 31, 2033, then to 22% the following year. The ITC is currently set to disappear in 2035 unless it is renewed.
Who is eligible for the Federal ITC?
Most homeowners will qualify for the Federal ITC, but not all. You must meet the following criteria to claim your 30% tax credit:
The Federal ITC will also cover the following expenses:
Homeowners save around $10,000 on average with the Federal ITC. But that number can be higher or lower depending on your total expenses.
How to claim the Federal ITC
Claiming your Federal ITC couldn’t be easier. All you have to do is fill out IRS form 5695 and submit it with your tax return. You can consult with a tax professional for more assistance.
Local solar incentives
Who’s eligible : Agricultural
How to apply : California provides a partial exemption of the state's sales and use tax for farm equipment and machinery. The exemption only applies to taxes levied by the State, and not sales and use taxes levied by local governments. Further, the exemption does not apply to the taxes imposed or administered pursuant to sections 6051.2 and 6201.2 of the Revenue and Taxation Code, the Bradley-Burns Uniform Local Sales and Use Tax Law, the Transactions and Use Tax Law, or section 35 of article XIII of the California Constitution. The California State Board of Equalization issued a Special Notice in November 2012, clarifying that photovoltaic (PV) systems that are used to provide electricity to farm equipment and machinery may qualify for the partial exemption. For any farm equipment or machinery to qualify for the partial exemption, it must be used primarily in producing and harvesting agricultural products. "Primarily" means 50% or more of the time. In the case of PV, according to the Special Notice, 50% or more of the electricity produced by the system must be used to provide power to farm equipment and machinery. The system does not need to be directly connected to the equipment to qualify. The system can be connected to the local electrical grid and used to offset the farm's electrical use through a net metering arrangement with the local utility. Applicants will need to demonstrate, however, that the farm equipment annually consumes at least half of the amount of electricity annually produced by the PV system. Leased equipment also qualifies for the partial exemption. For more information, including a sample Partial Exemption Certificate, can be found on the web site above.
Who’s eligible : State Government
How to apply : On December 14, 2004, California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signed Executive Order S-20-04, creating a Green Building Action Plan to improve the energy performance of all state buildings. The order established energy savings targets for state facilities, declared the "Silver" level of LEED as the minimum performance standard for new buildings, and to required state government to purchase ENERGY STAR products when cost effective. Governor Gerry Brown signed Executive Order (B-18-12), in April of 2012, updated some of these requirements while rescinding the earlier Executive Order. It adjusted the energy savings targets such that grid-based energy purchases must be reduced by 20% by 2018 using 2003 as a baseline. New state buildings and major renovations started after 2025 must be constructed to be zero net energy, while 50% of existing square footage must be in the process of achieving zero net energy by 2025. Additionally, S.B 416 requires that all new buildings or major renovations larger than 10,000 square feet earn the "Gold" level of LEED certification and incorporate on-site renewable energy if economically feasible. California has additional legislation (GC14710-14714) requiring the identification of public buildings where it is feasible to reduce energy consumption, achieve energy efficiencies, produce onsite electrical generation, or reduce the level of peak electricity consumption using alternative energy equipment, thermal energy storage technologies, or cogeneration equipment. In addition, A.B. 532 of 2007 extended a requirement specifically for solar energy equipment to be installed on state buildings. The law required solar water heaters and photovoltaics to be installed on any public building, parking facility, or state-owned swimming pool by January 1, 2009, where such an installation is determined to be cost-effective over the life of the system and funding is available. Additionally, the law requires solar energy equipment must be installed, when feasible, on any new public building or parking facility constructed after January 1, 2008. Click here for more information about solar installed on public buildings.
Who’s eligible : Commercial, Industrial, Local Government, Nonprofit, Residential, Schools, State Government, Federal Government, Agricultural, Institutional
How to apply : Note: The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) issued a decision in December 2022 phasing out the previous Net Energy Metering (NEM 2.0) tariff and replacing it with a new net billing tariff. Customer generators who submit interconnection applications on or after April 15, 2023 will only be eligible for the new net billing tariff. The summary immediately below describes the net billing tariff, followed by a description of the previous NEM 2.0 rules for historical purposes. Net Billing Tariff Customer generators who submit interconnection applications on or after April 15, 2023 must take service under the new net billing tariff established by the CPUC in December 2022. Netting Rather than traditional net metering, where production and consumption are netted on a monthly basis, the net billing tariff nets production and consumption instantaneously, and any grid exports during the course of the month are credited at a different rate based on hourly Avoided Cost Calculator (ACC) values averaged across days in a month. The exact export credit rate will be determined by taking the 8,760 hourly avoided cost values produced by the ACC, and averaging the monthly values for each hour, differentiated between weekday and weekend. For example, all exports during the hour of 3 PM to 4 PM on weekdays in July 2023 will be credited at the same rate. Lock-In Period For any net billing customer that enrolls in the net billing tariff during the first five years of the tariff, the values for the first 9 years following the customer’s interconnection date will be based on a 9-year schedule of values for each hour from the ACC. This nine-year period is referred to as the lock-in period. The ACC used will be the most recent calculator, adopted as of January 1 of the calendar year of the customer’s interconnection date. ACC Plus The CPUC adopted a temporary and declining cents-per-kWh adder, referred to as the ACC Plus, to serve as a glide path during the transition to the new net billing tariff. It will be available to eligible residential customers who enroll in the net billing tariff over a 5-year period. The exact value of the ACC Plus adder varies by utility and customer type, and will decrease by 20% each year for five years. NEM 2.0 (Not available for interconnection applications submitted on or after April 15, 2023) California's net-metering law originally took effect in 1996 and applies to all utilities except LADWP. However, a number of publicly-owned utilities have reached the aggregate capacity limit for NEM 2.0 and have adopted a successor tariff of their own design. Eligible Technologies The original law applied to wind-energy systems, solar-electric systems and hybrid (wind/solar) systems. In September 2002, legislation (AB 2228) allowed biogas-electric facilities up to 1 megawatt (MW) to net meter until December 31, 2005, under a pilot program. This pilot program was extended until December 31, 2009, upon the enactment of AB 728 in September 2005. SB 489 did away with the pilot program, and instead allowed for biomass and all other RPS-eligible technologies to participate in net metering under the same terms available for solar and wind. Other legislation enacted in October 2003 (AB 1214) made fuel cells eligible for net metering until the cumulative rated generating capacity of net-metered fuel cells reaches 112.5 MW statewide. AB 2165 increased the statewide maximum to 500 MW, and requires each utility to provide net metering for eligible fuel cells until it reaches its proportionate share of the 500 MW cap. Previously restricted to fuel cells that begin operation prior to January 1, 2014, AB 2165 of 2012 extended the eligibility deadline to January 1, 2015, and AB 327 of 2013 further extended the deadline to January 1, 2017. Net Excess Generation Net excess generation (NEG) is carried forward to a customer's next bill. Under prior law, any NEG remaining at the end of each 12-month period was granted to the customer's utility. AB 920 of 2009 gave customers two additional options for the NEG remaining after a 12 month period. Customers have the option of rolling over any remaining NEG from month-to-month indefinitely, or they can receive financial compensation from their utility for the remaining NEG. The CPUC set the compensation rate at the 12-month average spot market price for the hours of 7 am to 5 pm for the year in which the surplus power was generated. The rate making authorities of municipal utilities must develop their own compensation method for the remaining NEG through a public proceeding. Renewable Energy Credits The renewable energy credits (RECs) associated with the electricity produced and used on-site remain with the customer-generator. If, however, the customer chooses to receive financial compensation for the NEG remaining after a 12 month period, the utility will be granted the RECs associated with just that surplus they purchase. Virtual Metering Options AB 2466 of 2008 allows a local government, if certain conditions are met, to distribute bill credits from a renewable energy system across more than one meter. To be eligible for this billing arrangement all electrical accounts involved must receive electricity under a time-of-use tariff, and all accounts must be owned by the same entity. California also allows virtual net metering for certain utility customers. Originally authorized just for customers participating in the Multifamily Affordable Solar Housing program, the CPUC voted in July 2011 in favor of a proposed decision which extends virtual net metering to all multi-tenant properties and to all distributed generation technologies. Virtual net metering allows the bill credits associated with the electricity produced by the system to be distributed across all the tenants' electricity bills. Meter Aggregation SB 594 of 2012 allowed for the possibility of meter aggregation under net metering pending a favorable determination by the CPUC and the ratemaking authorities of publicly-owned utilities. A publicly-owned utility must make this determination with 180 days of receiving the first request from a customer to aggregate their meters. The CPUC considered meter aggregation and approved it with Resolution E-4610. A single customer with multiple meters on contiguous property may elect to aggregate the electrical load of their meters and apply the generation credits of a renewable energy system also located on contiguous property to all of the meters. Energy Storage (IOUs Only) California allows renewable energy systems coupled with energy storage to qualify for net metering. A chief concern when introducing storage to net metering is the risk that a customer would store grid electricity during times when electricity costs are low and export that same grid electricity during times when electricity costs are high. The CPUC developed rules to address this and other concerns. The CPUC developed different rules for PV systems paired with storage devices 10 kW or less, and PV systems paired with storage devices larger than 10 kW or other forms of renewable energy paired with storage of any size. PV systems paired with storage devices larger than 10 kW and non-PV renewable energy technologies paired with storage of any size: The CPUC issued a decision in May 2014 establishing rules for net metering systems paired with storage devices larger than 10 kW. In addition to other requirements, these systems must : 1) install a non-export relay on the storage device(s); 2) install an interval meter for the NEM-eligible generation, meter the load, and meter total energy flows at the point of common coupling; or 3) install an interval meter directly to the NEM-eligible generator(s). While these rules originally applied only to systems paired with storage larger than 10 kW, a subsequent CPUC decision extended these requirements to all non-PV technologies paired with storage of any size. PV systems paired with storage devices 10 kW or less The CPUC issued a decision in April 2016 establishing rules for net metering PV systems paired with storage 10 kW or less. Rather than installing the extra equipment required for storage devices greater than 10 kW, the rules for PV systems paired with smaller storage protects against rate arbitrage by relying on system output estimations. Specifically, utilities are required to establish monthly maximum allowable output limits for net metering facilities using CPUC-approved tools. Any export by the customer's system which exceeds the monthly limit would not be eligible for net metering credits. Successor Tariff Provisions The CPUC issued a decision in January 2016 adopting a successor tariff for the IOUs to use once they reached their aggregate capacity limit for the prior net metering rules. SDG&E and PG&E transitioned to the successor tariffs in 2016, and SCE transitioned in July 2017. The successor tariff credits customer-generators at the full retail rate for energy exported to the grid, but requires them to pay a few new charges: a one-time interconnection fee and all non-bypassable charges for all electricity consumed from the grid (~$0.02-0.03/kWh). Customer-generators on the successor tariff also need to be on a time-of-use rate. Additional Resources: PG&E's net-metering web page SCE's net-metering web page SDG&E's net-metering web page
Who’s eligible : Commercial
How to apply : Note: The Federal Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) created the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Formula Grant Program with a total budget of $5 billion. Each state was allocated a share of that total to help build out a national network of electric vehicle charging stations along designated alternative fuel corridors (AFCs). With some limited exceptions, EV charging stations funded through the NEVI program should be spaced 50 miles apart and within one mile of the Interstate exit or highway. The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) is the designated lead agency for NEVI, and is partnering with the California Energy Commission (CEC). California's initial NEVI Plan was submitted to the federal Joint Office of Energy and Transportation on August 1, 2022, and its 2023 Update was submitted on August 1, 2023. California plans to use the estimated $134 million in formula funding from the first two years to provide connectivity for passenger vehicles in a manner that is complimentary to existing investments from the state. In future annual deployment plans, California will reassess proposed uses of NEVI funds, including infrastructure that primarily serves light or medium- and heavy-duty vehicles, within the requirements of the NEVI program and in the context of California’s overall funding and deployment strategy. The CEC released the first solicitation in late-October 2023, and accepted applications through January 26, 2024. The top-six corridor groups are eligible during the first solicitation, with a total of $40,500,000 divided between the corridor groups.
Who’s eligible : Commercial, Industrial, Local Government, Nonprofit, Residential, Schools, State Government, Federal Government, Institutional
How to apply : Note: A.B. 209 of 2022 extended eligibility for this program to residential solar photovoltaic systems paired with energy storage systems. The CPUC will need to develop rules before these new incentives are available. Initiated in 2001, the Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) offers incentives to customers who produce electricity with wind turbines, fuel cells, various forms of combined heat and power (CHP) and advanced energy storage. Retail electric and gas customers of San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E), Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E), Southern California Edison (SCE) or Southern California Gas (SoCal Gas) are eligible for the SGIP. Beginning in May 2012, all technologies previously eligible for the expired Emerging Renewables Program are now eligible for the SGIP program. Originally set to expire at the end of 2011, SB 412 of 2009 extended the expiration date to January 1, 2016, and SB 861 of 2015 further extended the expiration date to January 1, 2021. The program was later extended through January 1, 2026. Systems less than 30 kW will receive their full incentive upfront. Systems with a capacity of 30 kilowatts (kW) or greater will receive half the incentive upfront, and the the other half will be paid over the following five years based on the actual performance. The following technologies will receive the corresponding upfront incentive (or half of this figure if the system is 30 kW or larger): Generation Technologies as of June 2024: Wind turbines: $2.00/W Other Generation: $2.00/W Max Biogas Adder: $0.60/W Storage Technologies as of June 2024: Large Scale Storage Not Claiming ITC: $0.25/Wh - $0.30/Wh depending on utility Large Scale Storage Claiming ITC: $0.18/Wh - $0.22/Wh depending on utility Small Residential Storage: $0.15/Wh Residential Storage Equity: $0.85/Wh Non-Residential Storage Equity: $0.85/Wh Equity Resiliency: $1.00/Wh The biogas incentive is an adder and may be used in conjunction with fuel cells or any conventional CHP technology. For example, a gas turbine that uses biogas is eligible for an incentive of $1.73/W. An additional incentive of 20 percent will be provided for the installation of eligible distributed generation or advanced energy storage technologies produced by California supplier. There is no minimum or maximum eligible system size, although the incentive payment is capped at 3 MW. Further, the first megawatt (MW) in capacity will receive 100% of the calculated incentive, the second MW will receive 50% of the calculated incentive, and the third MW will receive 25% of the calculated incentive. Applicants must pay a minimum of 40% of eligible project costs (the biogas adder is not included in calculating the limit). Projects using the Federal Investment Tax Credit (ITC) must pay 40% of the eligible project costs after the ITC is subtracted from the project costs (i.e., the SGIP credit is limited to 30% of project costs). PG&E, SCE, and SoCal Gas administer the SGIP program in their service territories, and the California Center for Sustainable Energy administers the program in SDG&E's territory. Customers of PG&E, SDG&E, SCE and SoCal Gas should contact their program administrator for an application, program handbook and additional eligibility information. Program Administrator Contact Information: Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) Web: Phone: 415-973-6436 Email: [email protected] Fax: (415) 973-2510 Mailing Address: Self-Generation Incentive Program P.O. Box 770000 Mail Code B27P San Francisco, CA 94177-001 Center for Sustainable Energy (CSE) Web: Phone: (858) 244-1177 Fax: (858) 244-1178 Email: [email protected] Address: Center for Sustainable Energy Attn: SELFGEN Program 9325 Sky Park Court, Suite 100 San Diego, CA 92123 Southern California Edison (SCE) Web: Phone: 1-866-584-7436 Fax: (626) 302-6132 Email: [email protected] Address: Program Manager Self-Generation Incentive Program Southern California Edison 1515 Walnut Grove Avenue Rosemead, California 91770 Southern California Gas Company (SoCalGas) Web: Phone: 1-866-347-3228 Email: [email protected] Fax: (213) 244-8222 Address: Self-Generation Incentive Program Administrator Southern California Gas Company 555 West Fifth Street, GT22H4 Los Angeles, CA 90013-1011
Can you claim multiple tax incentives in California?
Yes. You are allowed to claim multiple solar incentives for the same installation. However, you can only claim each incentive once. For more guidance on how to claim your solar tax incentives, talk to your installer or consult with a licensed tax professional before submitting your tax forms.
Does California offer tax exemptions?
Sales Tax Incentive
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Agricultural
Incentive Amount : 100% of the taxes levied by the State. Local and district sales taxes will still apply.
Implementing Sector : State
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Commercial, Industrial, Agricultural, Appliance Manufacturers
Incentive Amount : 1
Implementing Sector : State
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Commercial
Incentive Amount : 100% reduction in sales tax
Implementing Sector : State
Feed-in Tariff
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Commercial, Industrial, Nonprofit, Residential, Schools, State Government, Federal Government, Agricultural, Institutional
Incentive Amount : Varies by technology and location. See table below.
Implementing Sector : Utility
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Commercial, Industrial, Local Government, Nonprofit, Residential, Schools, State Government, Federal Government, Agricultural, Institutional
Incentive Amount : Varies by resource type, recalculated annually
Implementing Sector : State
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Commercial, Industrial, Nonprofit, Federal Government, Agricultural
Incentive Amount : Renewable Energy Systems: $60 per MWh, 20-year term Energy Storage: $9 per kW-mo
Implementing Sector : Local
Green Building Incentive
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Commercial, Nonprofit, Multifamily Residential
Incentive Amount :
Implementing Sector : Utility
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Commercial, Industrial, Residential
Incentive Amount :
Implementing Sector : Local
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Commercial, Industrial, Residential
Incentive Amount :
Implementing Sector : Local
Rebate Program
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Residential
Incentive Amount : ENERGY STAR® Refrigerator: $75/unit ENERGY STAR® Clothes Washer: $75/unit ENERGY STAR® Electric Clothes Dryer: $75/unit ENERGY STAR® Dish Washer: $75/unit ENERGY STAR® Dual-Pane Windows: $2/sq. ft. Shade Screens: $1/sq. ft. Variable-Speed Pool Pump: $200/unit Electric Attic Fan: $75/unit Solar Attic Fan: $125/unit Attic Insulation: $0.30/sq. ft. Radiant Barrier: $0.30/sq. ft. ENERGY STAR® Room Air Conditioner: $100/unit Evaporative Cooler: $300/unit Ductless Mini-Split System: $200/unit ENERGY STAR® Thermostat: $50/unit HVAC – Gas to Electric: $400/ton HVAC System: $125 - $300/ton
Implementing Sector : Utility
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Multifamily Residential
Incentive Amount : Disadvantaged Communities (DACs) $0.57/kWh saved $6.00/thm saved Non-DAC Properties $0.33/kWh saved $3.50/thm saved
Implementing Sector : Local
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Multifamily Residential
Incentive Amount : Heat Pump Water Heater: Up to $1,500 Furnace: Up to $1,500 Whole Building: Up to $1,000/apartment
Implementing Sector : Local
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Multifamily Residential
Incentive Amount : Base Rebate (Install 2+ energy efficiency upgrades that save 10% or more of the building’s energy) $500/unit In-Unit Upgrades Heat Pump Water Heater: $1,500/apt Heat Pump HVAC: $1,500/apt Electric Laundry Dryer: $250/apt Electric Cooking: $750/apt Central System Upgrades Central Heat Pump Water Heater: $1,000/apt (Property cap of $100,000. Program cap of $500,000) Central Heat Pump HVAC: $1,000/apt Common Areas Upgrades Common Area Heat Pump HVAC: $1,000/unit Laundry/Common Area Heat Pump Water Heater: $1,000 Heat Pump Pool Heater: $1,000/pool Electrical Panel Upgrades Subpanel Upgrade: $1,000/apt Central/Common Area Panel Upgrades: $5,000/property Health Upgrades: $500/apt served Resilience to Extreme Heat Upgrades: $500/apt served Housing Affordability Upgrades: Multiply ALL other program rebates by 1.5x-2x AND up to $500 reimbursable per unit for select in-unit appliances
Implementing Sector : Local
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Residential
Incentive Amount : Induction Cooktop: $250 Attic Insulation: $0.75/square foot (Up to $1,000) Wall Insulation: $0.75/square foot (Up to $1,000) Combustion Appliance Safety (CAS) test-out: $100 Air Sealing: $150 Duct Replacement: $500 Heat Pump Dryer: $250 Air Conditioner: $200
Implementing Sector : Local
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Commercial, Industrial, Local Government, Nonprofit, Residential, Schools, State Government, Federal Government, Institutional
Incentive Amount : For projects 30 kW or larger, 50% of incentive will be received up-front; 50% will be received based on actual kWh production over the first 5 years. For projects under 30kW, 100% of the incentive will be paid up front. Incentives will step down over time. See below for incentive amounts.
Implementing Sector : State
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Commercial, Construction, Industrial, Nonprofit
Incentive Amount : Visit utility's website for more details
Implementing Sector : Utility
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Commercial
Incentive Amount : Air Conditioning: $150 - $300/ton HVAC Tune-Up: $10/ton Smart Thermostat: $50/unit Refrigerator: $100 Refrigerator/Freezer: $200 Commercial Clothes Washer: $75 Room Air Conditioner: $50 Dishwasher: $50 High-efficiency Water Heater: $50 Electric Heat Pump Water Heater: $200 TVs: $150/unit Exit Sign: $25 Lighting: $0.06 - $0.10/kWh saved PC Power Management: $15/pc Premium Motors: $35 - $70 Shade Tree: $40/tree, max 5 Attic Insulation: $0.10 - $0.20/sq. ft. Exterior Wall Insulation: $0.15/sq.ft. Whole Building Fan: $100 (limit 1) Solar-Powered Attic Fan: $100 (limit 2) Electric Attic Vent Fan: $50 (limit 2) Cool Roof (coatings or products): $0.20/sq. ft. Windows/Glass Doors: $1/sq. ft. Window Film: $1/sq. ft. Solar Window Screen: $1/sq. ft.
Implementing Sector : Utility
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Commercial, Local Government, Nonprofit, State Government, Federal Government
Incentive Amount : Heat Pump Water Heater Rebates 50 to 80 Gallon: $1,500/unit 80 to 120 Gallon: $4,000 HVAC Rebates Cooling Equipment: $500 per ton of cooling Infrastructure: $1,000/system Engineering: $750/site Commercial Custom Rebates Induction Cooktop/Range: $450/unit Combination Oven: $2,000 - $4,000 Convection: $350 Fryer: $650 Griddle: $500 Steamer: $1,850 - $2,500 Ice Machine: $200 - $700 Refrigerator Glass Door: $100 - $400 Refrigerator Solid Door: $50 - $200 Freezer Solid Door: $100 - $900 Lighting Retrofit (Self-Install) Lighting: $0.23/kWh Electric Vehicle Commercial EV Charger: $500
Implementing Sector : Utility
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Commercial, Construction
Incentive Amount : Design Assistance Grants: Up to $10,000/project Whole Building Approach Rebates: $0.10/kWh for buildings exceeding Title 24 by 10% $0.15/kWh for buildings exceeding Title 24 by 15% Systems Approach Rebates: $0.10/kWh for lighting systems exceeding Title 24 by 10% $0.11/kWh for HVAC and refrigeration systems exceeding Title 24 by 10% $0.10/kWh for motors exceeding Title 24 by 10% $0.04/kWh for daylighting exceeding Title 24 by 10%
Implementing Sector : Utility
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Residential
Incentive Amount : Clothes Dryer: Up to $50 Electric Panel Upgrade: $1,500 Socket Splitter: $100 - $150 Heat Pump Space Heater: Up to $1,500 Heat Pump Water Heater: Up to $1,500 Solar PV: $500 Smart Thermostat: Not Specified Induction Cooktop: $300 - $400 Induction Range: $500 - $600
Implementing Sector : Utility
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Commercial, Industrial, Local Government, Nonprofit, State Government, Federal Government, Agricultural, Institutional
Incentive Amount : HVAC Equipment: Varies widely. View website for details Lighting LED Lamps: $1.50 - $30/lamp Lighting Retrofit: $0.09 - $0.46/kWh Non-general Illuminance: $1.50 - $14/linear ft. Interior Lighting: $0.74 - $30/fixture Controlled Environment Agriculture: $0.12/kWh Motors and Drives Electronically Commutated Motors: $50 - $200 Variable-Speed Drives: $120/HP Green Motor Rewinds: $1/HP Food Service Equipment: Varies widely. Visit website for details Compressed Air VFD Controlled Compressor: $0.15/kWh annual energy savings Appliance Clothes Washer: $50 Heat Pump Water Heater: $500 Wastewater and Refrigeration Wastewater – low power mixer: $0.15/kWh annual energy savings Adaptive refrigeration control: $0.15/kWh annual energy savings Fast Acting Door: $0.15/kWh annual energy savings
Implementing Sector : Utility
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Commercial, Industrial, Federal Government, Agricultural
Incentive Amount : Whole Building Approach The greater of $400/kW reduced or $0.12/kWh reduced Systems Approach Lighting: $250/kW reduced or $0.08/kWh reduced Air Conditioning & Refrigeration: $500/kW reduced or $0.15/kWh reduced Other Equipment: $300/kW reduced or $0.10/kWh reduced
Implementing Sector : Utility
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Residential
Incentive Amount : Appliances Refrigerator: $50 Clothes Washer: $35 Dish Washer: $35 Heat Pump Water Heater: $350/unit HVAC Equipment Room AC: $75/unit Central AC: $25 - $75/ton Air Source Heat Pumps: $100 - $125/ton Geothermal Heat Pump: $1,000/ton Whole House Fan: $25 Smart Thermostat: $50 Lighting LED Holiday Lights: $3.00/50-100 bulb string Electric Vehicle: $500 (new or used)
Implementing Sector : Utility
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Commercial, Nonprofit
Incentive Amount : New Construction/Major Tenant Renovation: $0.05/kWh saved LED Lighting Retrofits: $0.10/kWh saved per year Non-LED Lighting Retrofits: $0.05/kWh saved per year Exit Signs: $20 per fixture Central Air Conditioning: $100-$300 per ton of cooling Central Heat Pumps: $125 - $350 per ton of cooling Chiller Retrofits: $0.05/kWh saved per year Motor Replacements: $35 - $1,260 Thermal Energy Storage: Varies, see website for details Power Factor Correction: up to $100 per kVAR, up to $15,000, 25% of the equipment cost PC Network Power Management Software: $0.05/kWh saved per year Energy Saving Projects Not Specified: $0.05/kWh saved per year
Implementing Sector : Utility
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Commercial, Industrial, Multifamily Residential
Incentive Amount : Complete Energy Solutions Type of Incentive Non-bundled Lighting: $0.11/kWh Non-bundled Refrigeration: $0.13/kWh Non-bundled HVAC: $0.16/kWh Bundled Lighting and Refrigeration: $0.13/kWh Bundled Lighting and HVAC: $0.16 Bundled Lighting, Refrigeration, and HVAC: $0.16/kWh Electrification: $0.32/kWh Other Measures (kitchen equipment, domestic hot water): $0.16/kWh Electrification Heat Pump Water Heater: $4,500 - $7,000 Heat Pump Space Heater: $1,500 - $6,000/ton Kitchen Equipment Induction Cooking: $800/hub Electric Vehicle Commercial EV: $4500/handle Complete Energy Solutions Varies, see website or call 1-855-822-2936 for details Custom Incentives Varies, see website or call 916-732-5095 for details Savings by Design Varies, see website or contact utility for details
Implementing Sector : Utility
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Residential
Incentive Amount : Appliances Induction Cooktop: $100 - $750 Heat Pump Water Heater: Up to $3,000 Clothes Washer: $100 Refrigerator: $50 Smart thermostat: $50 Heating and Cooling Two-Stage Package Heat Pump: $2,000 Variable-Stage Heat Pump: $3,500 Panel Upgrade: $2,500 Multi Heat Pump HVAC Upgrade: $750 Instant Rebates See program website for details Recycling Mercury Thermostat: $30 each CFL Bulbs: See program for details
Implementing Sector : Utility
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Residential
Incentive Amount : Smart Thermostat: $40 - $75 Gas Tank Water Heater: $75 Heat Pump Water Heater (replacing an electric water heater): $500 Room Air Conditioner: $15
Implementing Sector : Utility
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Residential
Incentive Amount : HVAC Tune-Up Rebate HVAC Tune Up: $50 Smart Thermostat Rebate Smart Thermostat: $100 Fan Rebate Whole House Fan: $200 Electric Vehicle Program Level 2 Charger: $400 Shade Tree Program Shade Tree: $40 Appliance Rebates Induction Cooktop: $500 Heat Pump Dryer: $250 Heat Pump HVAC: $250 - $600/ton Heat Pump Water Heater: $2,000/unit Panel Replacement: $1,500 *For full list (Application)
Implementing Sector : Utility
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Commercial, Construction
Incentive Amount : Lighting Program Custom Lighting: $0.15 per kilowatt hour (kWh) saved HVAC Program Heat Pump Unit: Up to $600/ton HVAC Tune-Up (Seasonal): Up to $100/unit Smart Thermostat: $100/unit Permit Incentive: Up to $500 Custom Projects: Up to $0.20 per kWh saved(Application) Electric Vehicles Light Duty Vehicles: $600/vehicle Class 3 - Class 5 Vehicles: $3,000/vehicle Class 6 and Class 7 Vehicles: $6,000/vehicle Class 8 Vehicles: $15,000/vehicle Level 2 EVSE: $3,000/handle
Implementing Sector : Utility
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Residential
Incentive Amount : First rebate amount purchased outside Glendale, second purchased inside Glendale. Energy Star Items Clothes Washer: $60 - $80 Refrigerator: $60 - $80 Dishwasher: $30 - $40 Room AC: $50 - $60 Central AC: $140 - $250/ton Ceiling Fan: $25 - $30 Variable Speed Pool Pump: $400-$450 Heat Pump/Mini-Split Pump: $230 - $250 Electric Heat Pump Clothes Dryer: $300 - $325 Electric Heat Pump Water Heater: $500 - $525 Electric Clothes Dryer: $200-$220 Non-Energy Star Items Whole House Fan: $100 - $125 Solar Attic Fan $100 - $125 Premium High Efficiency Toilet: $50 - $60 EV Charging Station: $200-$1,700 Electric Bicycles: $300 - $400 Electric Water Heater: $400 - $425 Range & Range/Oven Combo: $200 - $220 Wall Oven: $200 - $220 Electric Leaf Blower: $40 - $50
Implementing Sector : Utility
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Residential, Multifamily Residential
Incentive Amount : Energy Efficiency Refrigerator/Freezer: $25 - $75/unit Dishwasher: $50/unit Clothes Washer: $300/unit LED Lighting: $5/unit Smart Power Strip: $10/unit Ceiling Fan: $25/unit Variable-speed Pool Pump: $250/unit Water Conservation Toilet: $100/unit Showerhead: $20/unit 50+ Gallon Rainbarrel: $50/unit Landscaping Grass Removal: $1/sq.ft. Water Leak Detection/Repair: $800/sq.ft. Automatic Irrigation Controller: $100/unit HVAC Central AC: $100 - $125/ton Heat Pump: $250/ton Ductless Mini-split Heat Pump: $250/ton Room AC: $25/unit Smart Thermostat: $50/unit
Implementing Sector : Utility
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Commercial, Local Government, Nonprofit, State Government, Federal Government, Multifamily Residential
Incentive Amount : Incentives vary, see program site under "Commercial Rebate Chart" for detailed incentive amounts.
Implementing Sector : Utility
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Residential
Incentive Amount : LED Light Bulbs: $10 (purchase of at least $20 worth of bulbs) Ductless Mini Split AC: $330/ton Central Heat Pump: $500 Central AC: $250-$500 ENERGY STAR® Refrigerators: $35 ENERGY STAR® Heat Pump Water Heater: $350 ENERGY STAR® Room AC: $50 ENERGY STAR® Electric Hot Water Heater: $75 ENERGY STAR® Clothes Washers: $35 ENERGY STAR® Windows: $2.00/square foot Induction Stovetop: $100 Heat Pump Water Heaters: $350 Electric Water Heater: $75 Sun Screens: $1.00/square foot Whole House Fans: $100 Smart Thermostat: $50 Pool Pump: $200 Shade Tree: up to $20 each New Construction: $500 Electric Vehicles Electric Vehicle: $500 per vehicle, up to $1,200 if enrolled in "CARES" program Electric Vehicle Charger: $300, up to $400 if enrolled in "CARES" program
Implementing Sector : Utility
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Commercial, Agricultural
Incentive Amount : Electric Vehicles Commercial EV Charger: $1,000 Commercial EV Infrastructure: Up to $15,000 DC Fast Charger: up to $20,000 per charger, max $50,000 per site Commercial EV Fleet: Up to $5,000 per vehicle, varies based on size and class, see website for details Variable Frequency Drive Fans: $100 per horsepower per fan Energy Star® VSD Pool Pump: $400 per pump LED Lights: $0.10 per first year kWh saved Commercial HVAC Heat Pump less than 5 tons: $500 per unit Air Conditioning less than 5 tons: $250-$500 per unit Heat Pump greater than 5 tons: $120 per ton Smart Thermostat: $50 per unit Commercial Pool Pump: $400 per unit Commercial Refrigeration Equipment Varies, see website for details Irrigation Pumps: $0.08 per first year kWh saved Custom: $0.08 per first year kWh saved Includes lighting compressed air systems refrigeration systems chillers other systems and components
Implementing Sector : Utility
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Commercial, Residential
Incentive Amount : APPLIANCES ENERGY STAR® Air Purifier: Up to $50 per unit Induction Cooktop or Range: $150 per unit Induction Cooktop Only: $600 per unit HVAC Heat Pump (Replacing Electric): Up to $750 per ton Heat Pump (Replacing Gas Furnace): Up to $1,000 per ton New Heat Pump System: $200 - $800 per ton BUILDING ENVELOPE Building Envelope Air Leak Test: Up to $200 Central System Duct Leakage Test: Up to $200 Building Envelope Air Leakage Mitigation: 75% up to $500 Central Air Distribution System Duct Mitigation: 75% up to $500 Efficient Windows: $3.50 per sq. ft. ELECTRIC VEHICLE Residential Energy Star Listed EV Charger: $600 Residential EV Charger SMART Charger: Additional $350 OTHER Water Efficient Toilet: $70 - $100/toilet Main Electric Panel: $1,000
Implementing Sector : Utility
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Commercial, Industrial, Federal Government, Agricultural
Incentive Amount : COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT Commercial Boiler: $5.00 - $9.00 per MBtuh Gas Modulating Controller: Up to $750 per kit unit Greenhouse Curtain: $0.30 per sq. ft. Infrared Film (for Greenhouses): $0.02 per sq. ft. Heat Recovery Rooftop Unit (HR-RTU): $3,000 per unit Laminar Flow Restrictor (LFR): $6.50 per unit Pipe/Fittings Insulation: $2 - $4 per linear ft. and per $8 - $32 per fitting Pool Cover: $1 per sq. ft. Pool Heater : $2 - $3 per MBtuh Pre-rinse Spray Valve (PRSV): $20 per unit Process Heating Boiler: $1 - $2 per MBtuh Recirculating Pump Control: $9.50 per dwelling unit Recirculating Pump Time Clock: $300 per time clock Space Heating Boiler: $0.50 - $3 per MBtuh Steam Boiler Stack Economizer: $1 - $2 per MBtuh Steam Trap for Commercial Customers: $100 per unit Storage/Tankless Commercial Water Heaters: $2 - $8 per MBTUH Tank Insulation: $2 - $3 per sq. ft. FOOD SERVICE EQUIPMENT Combination Oven: $1,500 - $3,000 per oven Commercial Conveyor Broiler: $1,500 per unit Commercial Dishwasher: $500 - $750 per unit Commercial Fryer: $900 per vat Commercial Griddle: $150 per linear ft. Commercial Rack Oven: $2,000 per oven Commercial Underfired Broiler: $600 per linear ft. Convection Oven: $600 per oven Conveyor Oven: $1,200 per oven deck Pressureless Steamer: $2,000 per compartment Storage Commercial Water Heaters: $2 - $8 per kBtuh Tankless Commercial Water Heaters: $0.45 - $15 per kBtuh
Implementing Sector : Utility
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Residential
Incentive Amount : AIR CONDITIONING Central Air Conditioning Units & Heat Pumps: $150 - $250 per ton HVAC Tune-Up: $25 Whole House Evaporative Cooler: $150 per unit Wall/window Room Evaporative Cooler: $50 per unit Programmable Thermostat: $50 per unit ENERGY STAR PRODUCTS Refrigerators: $50 - $200 per unit (Qualifications Apply) Room Air Conditioner: $50 per unit Dishwasher: $50 per unit High-Efficiency Clothes Washer: $75 per unit Ceiling Fan: $25 per unit (Maximum of 4) Electric Water Heater: $50 TVs: $150 per TV Energy Star® Heat Pump Water Heater: $200 Energy Star® Heat Pump Dryer: $200 WEATHERIZATION Attic Insulation: $0.10 - $0.20 per square foot Exterior Wall Insulation: $0.15 per square foot Whole House Fan: $100 per unit (Limit 1) Solar Attic Fan: $100 per unit (Limit 2) Electric Attic Vent Fan: $50 per unit (Limit 2) Duct Replacement: $150 maximum Cool Roof (coatings or products): $0.10 per square foot Windows/Glass Doors: $1.00 per square foot Window Film: $1.00 per square foot Solar window screen: $1.00 per square foot OTHER PROGRAMS Energy Efficient Pool Pumps: $200 per pump (Max 2) Refrigerator/Freezer Recycling Program: $50 Tree Power: $40 per shade tree (5 per calendar year) WATER REBATES High-Efficiency Clothes Washers: $85 Premium High-Efficiency Toilets: $40 per unit Turf Replacement: $5.00 per square foot up to 1,000 square feet, $2.00 per square foot up to 5,000 square feet Weather-Based Irrigation Controllers: $200 per controller ( <1 acre) $35 per station ( >1 acre) Rotating Sprinkler Nozzles: $5.00 per nozzle (minimum of 30) Rain Barrels: $35 per barrel (maximum 2) Cisterns: $250 - $350 Soil Moisture Sensor System: $80 per controller ( <1 acre) $35 per station ( >1 acre) Water Flow Monitoring Device: $175 per unit
Implementing Sector : Utility
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Multifamily Residential
Incentive Amount : Upgrade Incentives Auto-diverting Tub Spout w/ Thermostatic Shut-Off Showerhead - $40/unit Domestic Hot WAter Loop Controller - $20/unit Heat Pump Water Heater - $300/unit High Performance Circulator Pump - $50/unit Low Flow Shower Head - $5 - $15/unit (1.7 - 1.0 GPM) Thermostatic Shower Spout w/ Low Flow Shower Head - $15 - $25/unit (1.5 - 1.0 GPM) Ductless Minisplit Heat Pump - $177 - $247/ton (15 - 18 SEER Rating) Gas Fireplace - $60 - $120/unit High Efficiency Furnace w/ Variable Speed Motor - $19 - $56/unit (92% - 95% AFUE) ENERGY STAR Room AC - $10 - $20/unit Smart Thermostat - $50/unit
Implementing Sector : Utility
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Residential
Incentive Amount : Many incentive amounts increase with purchase from Pasadena retailers Home Appliance Program Refrigerators: Up to $80 Dishwasher: Up to $30 Clothes Washer: $300 High-Efficiency Toilet: Up to $100 Refrigerator Recycling: Free Heating & Cooling Systems Smart Thermostat: Up to $60 Air Conditioners (SEER) 15.0-18.9: Up to $120 per ton Air Conditioners (SEER) 19 <: Up to $140 per ton Room A/C: Up to $50 per room Ceiling Fan: Up to $45 per room Solar Attic Fan: Up to $100 per unit Whole House Fan: Up to $100 AC Tune-up: Up to $40 annually Heat Pump: Up to $190 per ton Insulation & Building Projects Wall Insulation: Up to $0.15 per square foot Ceiling Insulation: Up to $ 0.15 per square foot Landscaping and Pools Turf Replacement: $2.00 per square foot Rain Barrel: $100 per barrel Cisterns: Up to $600 (based on gallonage) Sprinkler Head: Up to $7.00 per nozzle (minimum 30 nozzels) Weather-Based Irrigation Controller: Up to $250 per controller, or $60 per station Soil Moisture Sensor System: Up to $250 per controller, or $60 per station Pool Pump: Up to $250 per pump Laundry-to-Landscape Greywater: See website for details Shade Trees: up to $30 per tree Electrify Your Home Program Electric Heat Pump Water Heater: Up to $520 Electric Clothes Dryer: Up to $220 Electric Water Heater: Up to $420 Electric Range Oven: Up to $220 Electric Heat Pump: Up to $190 per ton Electric Heat Pump Clothes Dryer: Up to $320 Electric Wall Oven: Up to $220 Electric Wall Panel: Up to $1,500 Level II EV Charger: Up to $600 per unit Electric Vehicle: Up to $2,000
Implementing Sector : Utility
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Commercial, Industrial, Nonprofit, Schools, Agricultural, Institutional
Incentive Amount : Lighting LED Lights: varies by size and fixture Lighting Sensor Control: $20 per sensor Variable Frequency Drives Garage Exhaust Fan Control: $400 per horsepower Chilled Water Pump Control: $200 per horsepower Condenser Water Pump Control: $50 per horsepower Cooling Tower Fan Control: $50 per horsepower HVAC Fan Control: $50 per horsepower Pool Pumps: $800 per unit Window Film: $1.35/sq. ft. AC, Water, Laundry HVAC <5 tons: $50 per ton HVAC >5 tons: $10 per ton Heat Pump: $250 per ton Heat Pump Fuel Substitution: $600 per unit Heat Pump Clothes Dryer: $300 per unit Heat Pump Water Heater: $500 per unit Heat Pump Water Heater Fuel Substitution: $1,000 Restaurant Equipment: Varies by equipment type
Implementing Sector : Utility
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Residential, Multifamily Residential
Incentive Amount : Appliances Clothes Washers: $20/unit Clothes Dryer: $50/unit Refrigerator and Freezer: $20/unit Room Air Cleaner: $40/unit Room A/C: $40/unit Smart Connected Power Strip: $30/unit Other Heat Pump Water Heaters: Up to $400/unit Heat Pump Conversion: $2,500 Ductless Heat Pump: $1,000 New Homes Whole Home: Up to $5,000/unit Smart Thermostat: $50/unit Brushless Fan Motor: $15/ton
Implementing Sector : Utility
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Residential
Incentive Amount : Home Cooling Central AC: $350 - $600 Heat Pump: $450 - $700 Mini-Split AC: $250 per unit Mini-Split Heat Hump: $350 per unit Whole House Fan: $100 per unit Solar Attic Fan: $50 - $100 per unit Smart Thermostat: $50 General Improvement Attic Insulation:$0.17 per sq ft Radiant Barrier (Attic or Roof): $0.10 per sq ft Appliances Room AC: $50 per unit Clothes Washer: $35 Induction Cooktop: $100 Heat Pump Water Heater: $500 Window Sun Shading Sunscreens/Window Film: $1.00 per sq. ft. Energy Star Replacement Window: $2.00 per sq. ft. Pool Pump/Motor: $200 Level 2 EV Charger: $500
Implementing Sector : Utility
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Commercial, Industrial, Agricultural
Incentive Amount : Refrigeration Vending Machine Controller: $90 Plastic Swinging Doors: $6/sq. ft. Night Covers for Vertical/Horizontal Cases: $2.75/linear foot ENERGY STAR ® Commercial Ice Machines: $40-$190 Appliances Room A/C: $50 Tank Storage Water Heater: $75 Heat Pump Storage Water Heater: $500 Lighting LED Lamps: $4-$6 Exterior Security Lighting: $15-$45/fixture Case Lighting: $5/linear foot Accent/Directional Lighting: $22.50/fixture Signage: $1.50-$4.50/ft. Occupancy Sensors: $3.75-$41.00/sensor Photocells: $8.00/cell Plug Load Occupancy Sensors: $11.25 HVAC & Air Conditioning Package Terminal A/C & Heat Pump: $75 Ductless Mini-Split A/C: $250 Ductless Mini-Split Heat Pump: $350 Variable Frequency Drives for HVAC Fans: $70/hp Smart Thermostat: $50 Unitary Split-System & Single-Package A/C & Heat Pump: $120-$160/ton Variable Refrigerant Flow Multi-Split A/C & Heat Pump: $125-$140/ton Window Sun Shading: $1.00/sq. ft. Pool Filtration Pump: $400 Electric Vehicle Charger Level 2 Electric Vehicle Charger: Up to $500 per charger (Limit 6)
Implementing Sector : Utility
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Residential
Incentive Amount : Appliances Refrigerator: Up to $75 per unit Recycling Old Refrigerator/Freezer: $50 per unit Clothes Washer: Up to $500 per unit Energy Star TV: Up to $25 per unit Building Products Energy Star Windows: $2.00 per square foot Cool Roof: $0.20 - $0.60 per square foot Electric Vehicles Level II EV Charger: $1,000 Used EV: $1,500 Heating and Cooling Room Air Conditioner: $50 per unit Central Air Conditioner: up to $120 per ton Heat Pump: $100 per ton Whole House Fan $200 per unit Landscaping and Irrigation Weather-Based Irrigation Controller: Up to $200 per unit (< 1 acre), $35 per station (> 1 acre) Soil Moisture Sensor System: Up to $200 per unit (< 1 acre), $35 per station (> 1 acre) Rotating Nozzles: Up to $6 per nozzle (minimum 15) Smart Hose Bib Irrigation Controllers: Up to $35 Turf Replacement Program: $5.00 per square foot Rain Barrel: Up to $50 per unit Cistern: Up to $500 (based on gallonage) Other Rebates Flow Monitoring/Leak Detection Device: Up to $150 ENERGY STAR® LED Lamp: $2.50 per unit Variable Flow Pool Pump: $750 per unit Advanced Power Strip: Up to $15 per unit Programmable Thermostat: Up to $75 per unit Premium High-Efficiency Toilet: $250 per unit Shared Solar, Solar Rooftop, Virtual Net Metering: See program website for more details
Implementing Sector : Utility
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Commercial, Industrial, Local Government, Nonprofit
Incentive Amount : Technical Assistance Program: $2.50/1,000 gallons water saved Water Conservation Rebate Program: Varies by product, see site for details Save on Lighting Program: $0.08 - $0.24/kWh Savings in Action Program: Varies by program, see site for details Customer Performance Program: $0.08 - $0.30/kWh and up to $750/kW
Implementing Sector : Utility
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Commercial, Construction, Industrial, Local Government, Nonprofit, Schools, State Government, Federal Government
Incentive Amount : HVAC Unitary Air Conditioners: Up to $160 per ton (Varies by tonnage) Packaged Terminal AC: $100 per ton Advanced Rooftop Controls: Up to $3,500 per unit Unitary Heat Pumps: $300 per ton Building Optimization Program: $0.03 per kWh annual savings (2 years) Controls Program: $0.02 per kWh annual savings (5 years) Customer Directed Project: $0.15 per kWh for all measure types. Data Center Program: $0.03 per kWh annual savings (4 years) Emerging Technologies Program: $0.35 per kWh annual savings (5 years) Electric Vehicle Chargers DCFC rebates: $50,000 to $80,000 per charger or 75% of eligible project costs, whichever is less L2 rebates: $4,500/connector, additional $1,000/connector for multi-residential sites, additional $500/connector for DAC or LIC sites. Food Service Equipment: Varies by equipment (see application for details) Heat Pump Water Heater: $1,000 per unit, $1,000 extra if converting from natural gas to electric. Lighting LED Troffer Fixture: $40/fixture LED Low-Bay Fixture: $70/fixture LED High-Bay Fixture < 150 watts: $100/fixture LED High-Bay Fixture > 150 watts: $150/fixture New Construction: Varies see application VFD Air Compressor: $75 per horsepower
Implementing Sector : Utility
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Commercial, Industrial, Institutional
Incentive Amount : $400/kW reduction
Implementing Sector : Utility
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Commercial, Construction, Industrial, Nonprofit, Multifamily Residential
Incentive Amount : AIR CONDITIONING Packaged Terminal Air Conditioner: $100 per Ton Air Conditioner 2.0 to 5.3-ton: $75 - $400 per Ton Air Conditioner greater than 5.4-ton: $0.10 per kWh annual savings CUSTOM PROJECTS Performance-Based Incentives Chillers: $150 - $300 per kW or $0.08 - $0.10 per kWh Cooling Tower: $150 - $300 per kW or $0.08 - $0.10 per kWh Compressed Air: $150 - $300 per kW or $0.08 - $0.10 per kWh Air Handler Units: $150 - $300 per kW or $0.08 - $0.10 per kWh Refrigeration System: $150 - $300 per kW or $0.08 - $0.10 per kWh EMS, VFD, other Fans: $150 per kW or $0.08 per kWh HEAT PUMPS Packaged Terminal Air Conditioner Heat Pump: $100 per unit Package Heat Pump 2.0 to 5.3-ton: $100 - $400 per Ton Package Heat Pump greater than 5.4-ton: $0.10 per kWh annual savings LIGHTING High-Efficiency Lighting (LED bulbs, lighting controls, kits, new fixtures): $400 per kW or $0.15 per kWh annual savings OTHER PROGRAMS Tree Power Program: Free shade trees Business Air Purifier Rebate Program: $75 per unit (max 4) Motor Incentive Program: $60 - $1,400 per unit Business Uninterruptible Power Supply Rebate: $150 per unit (max 5) Public Access EV Charger: $5,000 per station (public access), $10,000 per station (schools, affordable housing) Audit: Free
Implementing Sector : Utility
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Residential
Incentive Amount : Products purchased from a Burbank retailer are typically awarded higher rebates than those purchased outside Burbank. Inside Burbank: Ceiling Fans: $25 (maximum three) Refrigerator/Freezer: $75 Room A/C: $35 Smart Thermostat: $75 Variable Speed Pool Pump: $400 Central A/C: $160 - $250/ton as well as $1,500 Attic Insulation: $0.15/sq ft Wall Insulation: $0.15/sq ft Level 2 Electric Vehicle Charger: up to $1,500 Burbank Water and Power also offers a Home Improvement Program which provides free air conditioning tune-up, duct sealing, air sealing, and attic insulation services. For rebates on clothes washers, toilets, and other water saving devices visit
Implementing Sector : Utility
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Commercial
Incentive Amount : Custom Lighting (interior): $0.11/kWh Custom Lighting (exterior): $0.03/kWh Custom Process Loads: $0.18/kWh Custom HVAC/Refrigeration: $0.25/kWh
Implementing Sector : Utility
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Commercial
Incentive Amount : For a limited time, qualifying small business customers have the opportunity to choose one of the following program enhancements in addition to a no-cost, $2000 allowance for energy saving equipment. Up to an additional $1,000 of lighting upgrades, or A smart thermostat and HVAC tune-up (subject to system compatibility), or Up to an additional $1,000 for refrigerator energy saving equipment
Implementing Sector : Utility
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Residential, Low Income Residential
Incentive Amount : Home Appliance & Fixtures Air Purifier: up to $50 (max 2) Ceiling Fan: $20 per unit (max 3) Dishwasher: $50 Security Light: $20 per fixture (max 2) Heat Pump Dryer: $200 Heat Pump Water Heater: $400 Refrigerator: $50 Battery Storage Rebate Amount: Up to $3,000 Insulation Attic Fan: $30 Exterior Wall Insulation: $0.10 per square foot High-Performance Windows: $1.00 per square foot Window Film: $1.00 per square foot Attic Insulation: $0.35 per square foot, max $750 Fire Resistant Vents $250 Heating and Cooling Air Duct Repair: 50% of cost, up to $300 Box Fan: $20 per unit (max 2) Central AC: Up to $200 per ton Heat Pump Ductless Mini Split: Up to $200 per ton Heat Pump HVAC: Up to $200 per ton Room AC: $100 per unit (max 2) Smart Thermostat: $50 per unit (max 2) Whole House Fan: $100 New Technology Uninterruptible Power Supply: $50 per unit (max 2) $200 per medical unit (max 2) Electric Portable Power Station: $50 per unit (max 2) $200 per medical unit (max 2) Pool Pump: $300 per pump
Implementing Sector : Utility
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Residential
Incentive Amount : Natural Gas Product Rebates Natural Gas Oven: $100 Furnace: $115 - $1,000/unit Clothes Dryer: $70 Fireplace Insert: $300/unit Freestanding Oven: $100/unit Pool Heater: $400 - $750 Storage Water Heater: $75/unit Tankless Water Heater: $80 - $1,200/unit Solar Thermal Water Heating System: $2,500 - $4,500/unit (UEF & capacity-dependent)
Implementing Sector : Utility
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Commercial, Industrial, Agricultural
Incentive Amount : 2023 Energy Efficiency Rebates Commercial Boiler: $5 - $9 / MBtuh Gas Modulating Controller: Up to $750 per kit unit Greenhouse Curtain: $0.30 / sq. ft. Infrared Film (for Greenhouses): $0.02 / sq. ft. Heat Recovery Rooftop Unit (HR-RTU): $3,000 / unit Laminar Flow Restrictor (LFR): $6.50 / unit Pipe/Fittings Insulation: $2 - $4 / linear ft. / $8 - $32 per fitting Pool Cover: $1 / sq. ft. Pool Heater: $2 - $3 / MBtuh Pre-rinse Spray Valve (PRSV): $20 / unit Process Heating Boiler: $1 - $2 / MBtuh Recirculating Pump Control: $9.50 per dwelling unit Recirculating Pump Time Clock: $300 per time clock Space Heating Boiler: $0.50 - $3 / MBtuh Steam Boiler Stack Economizer: $1 - $2 / MButh Steam Trap for Commercial Customers: $100 / unit Storage/Tankless Commercial Water Heaters: $.45 - $15 / Mbtuh Tank Insulation: $2 - $3 / sq. ft. Food Service Equipment Combination Oven: $1,500 - $3,000/oven Commercial Conveyor Broiler: $1,500/unit Commercial Dishwasher: $500 - $750/unit Commercial Fryer: $900/vat Commercial Griddle: $150/linear ft. Commercial Rack Oven: $2,000/oven Commercial Underfired Broiler: $600/linear ft. Convection Oven: $600/oven Conveyor Oven: $1,200/oven deck Pressureless Steamer: $2,000/compartment Storage Commercial Water Heaters: $2 - $8/kBtuh Tankless Commercial Water Heaters: $.45 - $15/kBtuh Prescriptive Energy-Efficiency for New Construction
Implementing Sector : Utility
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Residential
Incentive Amount : Smart Thermostat: Up to $75 Electric Vehicle: $1,000 - $4,000 (Program-dependent) Home or Business Area Network: $25 Electric Portable Power Stations: $150 Rebates Portable Power Generator Rebates: $200 ($600 income qualified)
Implementing Sector : Utility
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Multifamily Residential
Incentive Amount : Incentives not listed, contact SCE for more information
Implementing Sector : Utility
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Commercial, Industrial, Schools, Agricultural
Incentive Amount : Pipe Insulation: $3/linear foot Fitting Insulation: $3/fitting Lighting: varies Variable Frequency Drive for HVAC Fan: $80/hp Advanced Rooftop Ventilation Controls: Varies Agricultural Ventilation Fans: $75 - $200 Ozone Laundry System: $39/lb Modulating Gas Valve for On-Site Natural Gas Commercial Dryers: $350/unit Commercial Pool and Spa Heater: $2/MBtuh Ultra-Low Temperature Freezers: $300 - $600/unit Anti-Sweat Heater Controls: $25/linear foot High-Efficiency Refrigeration Display Cases with Special Doors: $75/linear foot New Display Cases to Replace Open Multi-Deck Refrigerated Displays: $75 - $175/linear foot
Implementing Sector : Utility
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Commercial, Industrial
Incentive Amount : ELECTRIFICATION REBATES Heat Pump Water Heater: $2,500-$3,500/unit Split System Heat Pump: $650 per ton Oven: $1,200-$2,500 per unit ENERGY STAR® Rated Fryer: $5,000 per unit CUSTOM ELECTRIFICATION REBATES Lighting: under custom rebate process, see website Electric: $0.10per first year KWh savings Natural Gas: $1.00 per first year therm savings Variable Speed Drive (VSD) rebate: $0.15 per first year kWh savings Custom Electrification: Varies, see program guide HVAC: under custom rebate process, see website Chillers: under custom rebate process, see website Advanced rooftop HVAC controls: $150 per ton Commercial pool and spa heater: under custom rebate process, see website LAUNDRY SYSTEM, PIPE INSULATION, WATER HEATING Ozone Washer: $39/pound capacity Commercial Steam Trap: $50/unit Pipe Insulation: $2.00 - $8.00/linear foot REFRIGERATION EQUIPMENT Anti-sweat heater controls: up to $80 per linear foot Auto Closer for Walk-ins: up to $50 per unit Display Case with Doors: up to $230 per linear feet Vending Machine Controller: up to $100 per unit LED Refrigerator Displace Case: up to $40 per door RESTAURANTS, COMMERCIAL KITCHENS, FOOD SERVICES EQUIPMENT Commercial Combination Oven: $1,500 per unit Commercial Convection Oven: up to $2,500 per unit Commercial Fryer: $650 per unit Electrification Fryer: $5,000 per unit (must replace gas equivalent) Griddle: $400 per unit Steam Cooker: $1,250 per unit Ice Machine: $50 - $300 per unit Insulating Cabinets: $200 - $600 per unit Exhaust Hood Control System: $700 per HP
Implementing Sector : Utility
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Residential
Incentive Amount : Heat Pump Water Heaters: up to $2,300
Implementing Sector : Utility
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Commercial, Industrial, Agricultural
Incentive Amount : Commercial Lighting: Varies, view program website for more details. Commercial and Industrial Custom Projects: Varies, view program website for more details. Irrigation Incentives NEMA Premium Efficiency Motor: $10.00/horsepower Variable Frequency Drive: $8.00/horsepower Irrigation Pump Test Rebate: Varies
Implementing Sector : Utility
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Residential
Incentive Amount : Appliances ENERGY STAR Refrigerator: $50.00 per unit ENERGY STAR Freezer: $50.00 per unit ENERGY STAR Clothes Washer: $100.00 per unit ENERGY STAR Dishwasher: $50.00 per unit Storage Water Heater/Heat Pump Water Heater (>30 Gal): $150.00 Refrigerator and Freezer Recycling: $75.00 per unit Lighting ENERGY STAR LED: $5.00 per bulb LED Holiday lights: $3.00 per 70-bulb string Ceiling Fan: $25.00 per unit Weatherization ENERGY STAR Replacement Windows: $3.00 per square foot Low-E Storm Windows: $1.50 per square foot Insulation: $0.25 - $0.35/sq. ft. HVAC Room Air Conditioner: $75.00 per unit Central Air Conditioner: $25.00 to $75.00 per ton Air-Source Heat Pump: $100.00 to $350.00 per ton Ground Source Heat Pump: $600.00 per ton Web-Enabled Smart Thermostat: $50.00 per unit Electric Vehicle Rebate:$500.00 per unit
Implementing Sector : Utility
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Commercial, Residential
Incentive Amount : Certified Level: $15,000 Silver Level: $20,000 Gold Level: $25,000 Platinum Level: $30,000
Implementing Sector : Utility
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Residential
Incentive Amount : Appliances Refrigerator: $100 Clothes Washer: $100 Dishwasher: $50 Water Heater (Greater than 30 gallons): $100 Heat Pump Water Heater: $200 Screw-In LED: $10 Ceiling Fan: $50 Smart Power Strip: $10 Home Improvements Insulation: $0.30 - $0.75 per square foot Solar Attic Fan: $0.15 per cubic feet per minute Replacement Window: $3.00 per square foot Window Film: $0.50 per square foot Exterior Window Solar Screen: $0.50 per square foot Room Air Conditioner: $25 per unit Web-Enabled Smart Thermostat: $50 per unit Central Air Conditioner: $100-$150 per tons of cooling Ductless Mini‐Split Air Conditioner: $100-$150 per tons of cooling Evaporative‐Cooled Central Air Conditioner: $200.00 per tons of cooling Heat Pump: $250 per tons of cooling Whole House Fan: $300 per unit Refrigerant Charge and Tune-Up: $20 per tons of cooling Variable-Speed Pool Pump: $250 per unit Air/Duct Sealing Testing: $20 - $150
Implementing Sector : Utility
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Commercial, Industrial, Multifamily Residential
Incentive Amount : Food Service Equipment: Varies by equipment type, see website Commercial Dishwashers: $1,000 - $5,000 per unit Multifamily Clothes Washers: $75 - $250 Commercial Refrigeration Equipment: Varies by equipment type, see website Air Conditioning: $25 - $300 $ per tons of cooling Heat Pumps: $75 - $250 $ per tons of cooling Kitchen Demand Ventilation Control: $500 per Horsepower Uninterrupted Power Supply: $50 per kVA Plug Load Occupancy Sensor: $20 per unit Lighting: $0.15/ annual kWh reduction or $20-$300 for 1-For-1 upgrades Custom Measures: $0.15 per annual kWh reduction
Implementing Sector : Utility
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Residential, Multifamily Residential
Incentive Amount : Multi-family See this program guide for Multi-family properties Single-Family HVAC: $1,000 per outdoor condensing unit Heat Pump Water Heater (Gas replacement): $3,100 Heat Pump Water Heater (Electric replacement): $1,000
Implementing Sector : Other
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Commercial
Incentive Amount : PEV Fleet Rebates $750 - $15,000, varies by vehicle class and weight. PEV Chargers Level 1 EVSE: $500/handle Level 2 EVSE: $4,500/handle Public DCFC >50kW: $30,000/DCFC unit School bus DCFC < 25kW: $7,500/DCFC unit School bus DCFC > 50kW: $15,000/DCFC unit Stub outs: $250/stub out Transformer Upgrade Support: $5,000/project Panel Upgrade Support: $1,000/project
Implementing Sector : Utility
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Commercial
Incentive Amount : Level 2 EVSE: $3,000 Double Incentive Bonus for Qualified locations: $6,000 Non-Network Charging Stations: $1,500
Implementing Sector : Utility
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Residential, Low Income Residential
Incentive Amount : PEV: $250, plus $250 bonus rebate if purchased from a Pasadena dealer; $1,000 bonus for income-qualified customers Residential charger: $600 rebate with installation of qualifying “Wi-Fi enabled” EV charger; $200 rebate for installation of a standard (Non Wi-Fi) EV charger
Implementing Sector : Utility
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Commercial
Incentive Amount : up to $25,000 in disadvantaged communities
Implementing Sector : Utility
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Multifamily Residential
Incentive Amount : New Construction Rebate Up to $3,500 per Port (to offset the costs of purchase and installation) Small Site Rebate Up to $10,000 per Port. Costs not to exceed 100% of customer installed costs. Charging Infrastructure and Rebate Only available to Multi-family in DAC; $8,100 per Single-Port Station, $11,400 per Dual-Port Station Optional Customer-side Make Ready Rebate 80% of SCE’s Estimated Costs. Optional: Available to all participants choosing to self-build Only available to Multi-family in DAC beginning 2023; $8,100 per Single-Port Station, $11,400 per Dual-Port Station Optional
Implementing Sector : Utility
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Commercial
Incentive Amount : Vehicles* Transit buses and Class 8 vehicles: $9,000 per vehicle Transportation refrigeration units (TRU), truck stop electrification (TSE), airport ground support equipment (GSE), and forklifts: $3,000 per vehicle School buses, local delivery trucks, and other vehicles: $4,000 per vehicle Chargers** Chargers (up to 50 kW): 50% of the cost of EV charger, up to $15,000 Chargers (50.1 kW - 149.9 kW): 50% of the cost of EV charger, up to $25,000 Chargers (150 and above): 50% of the cost of EV charger, up to $42,000
Implementing Sector : Utility
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Residential
Incentive Amount : 150
Implementing Sector : Utility
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Residential
Incentive Amount : Used Electric Vehicle Rebate: $1,500 - $2,500
Implementing Sector : Utility
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Commercial
Incentive Amount :
Implementing Sector : Utility
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Residential
Incentive Amount : Electric Clothes Dryer: up to $200 Electric Heat Pump Water Heater: up to $500 Electric Bicycle: up to $300 EV Charging Station: up to $550 Fully Electric Vehicle: $1,500 Plug-in Hybrid Vehicle: $1,000 Pool Pump: $100
Implementing Sector : Utility
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Commercial, Industrial, Agricultural, Low Income Residential
Incentive Amount : Purchase or Lease of Electric Vehicle $3,000 (must meet income requirements) DCFC Stations: $6,000
Implementing Sector : Utility
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Commercial, Industrial, Residential, Federal Government, Agricultural, Multifamily Residential, Low Income Residential
Incentive Amount : 500
Implementing Sector : Utility
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :;jsessionid=SrxQgfBflH1ct2nLMhqX5k8StSz9m2QFP7YpyRGDG7FZzcYcG6mG!-581927758?_afrW&_afrLoop=118821977454446&_afrWindowMode=0&_afrWindowId=null#%40%3F_afrWindowId%3Dnull%26_afrL
Applicable Sectors : Commercial, Residential
Incentive Amount : Residential Customers: Level 2 charger: $1,000 Residential Customers (Income-qualified): Level 2 charger: $1,500 Dedicated EV meter: $250 Commercial Customers: Level 2 charging station: $5,000 (Fully subscribed) DCFCs: $100,000 (Fully subscribed) Medium- and Heavy-Duty Chargers: $125,000 (Applications only accepted 6/20/2023 - 6/30/2023)
Implementing Sector : Utility
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Commercial
Incentive Amount : $2,000-$315,000
Implementing Sector : State
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Residential, Low Income Residential
Incentive Amount : Standard Rebate Heat Pump Water Heater: $1,000 Central Heat Pump: $1,000 Mini-Split Heat Pump: $800 Induction Range (Cooktop & Oven): $500 Induction Cooktop only: $250 Service Panel Upgrade: $500 Income Qualified Rebate Heat Pump Water Heater: $2,000 Central Heat Pump: $2,000 Mini-Split Heat Pump: $1,600 Induction Range (Cooktop & Oven): $500 Induction Cooktop only: $250 Service Panel Upgrade: $1,000
Implementing Sector : Local
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Commercial, Residential, Multifamily Residential
Incentive Amount : Residential Hardwired Wi-Fi enabled EV Charger: $599 Residential Standard Non Wi-Fi EV Charger: $200 Commercial/Multi-Family Smart Charging Station: $3,000 Commercial/Multi-Family Non-Network Charger: $1,500 Additional incentive of $3,000 for commercial and multi-family customers meeting certain criteria.
Implementing Sector : Utility
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Commercial
Incentive Amount : Varies by region
Implementing Sector : State
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Commercial, Residential
Incentive Amount : Commercial Customers: up to $7,500 Residential Customers: Standard Charger: $200 Smart Charger: $500 Panel Upgrade: $750 Residential Customers in Disadvantaged Community: Standard Charger: $300 Smart Charger: $600 Panel Upgrade: $900
Implementing Sector : Utility
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Commercial, Industrial, Local Government
Incentive Amount : Note: Program funding is running low. New reservation requests made after 02/03/2023 will not be accepted until further notice. Up to $5,000 for Public Access Locations Up to $10,000 for Schools, Affordable Housing, and Publicly Accessible DC Fast Plug-in locations
Implementing Sector : Utility
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Commercial, Industrial, Residential
Incentive Amount : Residential, Commercial, Industrial Customers not on an EV or TOU rate: $1,500 per EV charger Residential, Commercial, Industrial Customers on an EV or TOU rate: $3,000 per networked charger
Implementing Sector : Utility
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Commercial, Schools
Incentive Amount : Note: Program funding is running low. New reservation requests made after 02/03/2023 will not be accepted until further notice. Business Fleets: $5,000 per charging station, and up to $45,000 per site for associated EV charger infrastructure updates. School Bus Fleets: $10,000 per charging station, and up to $95,000 per site for associated EV charger infrastructure updates.
Implementing Sector : Utility
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Commercial, Residential, Multifamily Residential, Low Income Residential
Incentive Amount : Residential Customers: Level 2 EVSE: $500 Level 2 EVSE (Multifamily): $8,000 Used EV: $4,000 Used EV (Income Qualified): $6,000 Commercial Customers: Level 2 charging station: $6,000, plus $500 per additional port
Implementing Sector : Utility
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Residential
Incentive Amount : Residential Incentives Smart Thermostat: $40 - $75/household Time-of-Use Smart Thermostat rate plan: up to $120 Room Air Conditioner: $20 Heat pump water heater: $500 Gas tank water heater: $75 Generator or Battery: $300
Implementing Sector : Utility
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Multifamily Residential
Incentive Amount : Water Heaters Central System (CS) Natural Gas (NG) Water Storage Heater: up to $7.50/MBtu CS NG Boilers: up to $6/MBtu CS NG Tankless Water Heaters: up to $6/MBtu NG Tankless Water Heaters (In Dwelling): $600/unit Controllers for NG Water Heaters and/or Boilers: $700 - $1,400 Oven Rebates Energy-Efficient Residential Gas Oven: $100/unit Fireplace Inserts Rebates Fireplace Insert Natural Gas: $300 - $500/unit
Implementing Sector : Utility
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Residential
Incentive Amount :
Implementing Sector : State
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Residential
Incentive Amount : Level 2 Electric Vehicle Charger: Up to $500 per charger
Implementing Sector : Local
Leasing Program
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Commercial, Local Government, Residential
Incentive Amount :
Implementing Sector : Utility
Building Energy Code
Category : Regulatory Policy
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Commercial, Residential
Incentive Amount :
Implementing Sector : Local
Category : Regulatory Policy
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Commercial, Industrial, Residential
Incentive Amount :
Implementing Sector : Local
Category : Regulatory Policy
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Commercial, Residential, Schools
Incentive Amount :
Implementing Sector : State
Category : Regulatory Policy
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Commercial, Construction, Local Government, Residential, Installers/Contractors, Multifamily Residential
Incentive Amount :
Implementing Sector : Local
Category : Regulatory Policy
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Commercial, Construction, Industrial, Residential, Low Income Residential
Incentive Amount :
Implementing Sector : Local
Category : Regulatory Policy
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Commercial, Residential
Incentive Amount :
Implementing Sector : Local
Category : Regulatory Policy
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Residential
Incentive Amount :
Implementing Sector : Local
Category : Regulatory Policy
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Commercial, Construction, Industrial, Local Government, Nonprofit, Residential, Schools, Multifamily Residential, Institutional
Incentive Amount :
Implementing Sector : Local
Category : Regulatory Policy
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Residential
Incentive Amount :
Implementing Sector : State
Energy Standards for Public Buildings
Category : Regulatory Policy
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Local Government
Incentive Amount :
Implementing Sector : Local
Category : Regulatory Policy
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Commercial, Construction, Local Government, Residential
Incentive Amount :
Implementing Sector : Local
Category : Regulatory Policy
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Local Government
Incentive Amount :
Implementing Sector : Local
Category : Regulatory Policy
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Local Government
Incentive Amount :
Implementing Sector : Local
Category : Regulatory Policy
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Local Government
Incentive Amount :
Implementing Sector : Local
Category : Regulatory Policy
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Local Government
Incentive Amount :
Implementing Sector : Local
Category : Regulatory Policy
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Local Government
Incentive Amount :
Implementing Sector : Local
Category : Regulatory Policy
Website :
Applicable Sectors : State Government
Incentive Amount :
Implementing Sector : State
Category : Regulatory Policy
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Local Government
Incentive Amount :
Implementing Sector : Local
Category : Regulatory Policy
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Local Government
Incentive Amount :
Implementing Sector : Local
Net Metering
Category : Regulatory Policy
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Commercial, Industrial, Local Government, Nonprofit, Residential, Schools, State Government, Federal Government, Agricultural, Institutional
Incentive Amount :
Implementing Sector : State
Category : Regulatory Policy
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Commercial, Industrial, Local Government, Nonprofit, Residential, Schools, State Government
Incentive Amount :
Implementing Sector : Utility
Grant Program
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Commercial
Incentive Amount : Varies, grants are awarded competitively
Implementing Sector : State
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Commercial, Industrial
Incentive Amount : Businesses Up to 85% of cost up to $250,000 per customer. Program funding is limited to $500,000 per year. Nonprofits Maximum of $25,000 for a single project with %20 matching funds required.
Implementing Sector : Utility
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Commercial, Nonprofit
Incentive Amount : up to $5,000
Implementing Sector : Utility
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Commercial
Incentive Amount :
Implementing Sector : State
Property Tax Incentive
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Commercial, Industrial, Residential
Incentive Amount : 100% of system value; 75% of system value exemption for dual-use equipment
Implementing Sector : State
Category : Regulatory Policy
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Commercial, Industrial, Residential
Incentive Amount :
Implementing Sector : State
Solar/Wind Permitting Standards
Category : Regulatory Policy
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Commercial, Residential, Agricultural
Incentive Amount :
Implementing Sector : Local
Category : Regulatory Policy
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Commercial, Industrial, Residential
Incentive Amount :
Implementing Sector : Local
Category : Regulatory Policy
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Commercial, Industrial, Residential
Incentive Amount :
Implementing Sector : Local
Category : Regulatory Policy
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Commercial, Residential, Agricultural
Incentive Amount :
Implementing Sector : Local
Category : Regulatory Policy
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Commercial, Industrial, Local Government, Residential
Incentive Amount :
Implementing Sector : State
Category : Regulatory Policy
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Investor-Owned Utility, Municipal Utilities, Cooperative Utilities
Incentive Amount :
Implementing Sector : Local
Category : Regulatory Policy
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Local Government, Residential, Agricultural
Incentive Amount :
Implementing Sector : Local
Category : Regulatory Policy
Website :$fn=default.htm$3.0$vid=amlegal:sanbernardinocounty_ca$anc=JD_C
Applicable Sectors : Commercial, Industrial, Residential, Agricultural
Incentive Amount :
Implementing Sector : Local
Energy Efficiency Resource Standard
Category : Regulatory Policy
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Investor-Owned Utility
Incentive Amount :
Implementing Sector : State
Industry Recruitment/Support
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Industrial
Incentive Amount : 100% exemption
Implementing Sector : State
PACE Financing
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Commercial, Industrial, Residential, Agricultural, Multifamily Residential
Incentive Amount :
Implementing Sector : State
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Commercial, Industrial, Residential, Multifamily Residential
Incentive Amount :
Implementing Sector : Local
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Residential
Incentive Amount :
Implementing Sector : Local
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Residential
Incentive Amount :
Implementing Sector : State
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Commercial, Nonprofit, Multifamily Residential
Incentive Amount :
Implementing Sector : Local
Renewables Portfolio Standard
Category : Regulatory Policy
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Investor-Owned Utility, Municipal Utilities
Incentive Amount :
Implementing Sector : State
Energy Storage Target
Category : Regulatory Policy
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Investor-Owned Utility
Incentive Amount :
Implementing Sector : State
Solar/Wind Access Policy
Category : Regulatory Policy
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Commercial, Construction, Industrial, Residential, Multifamily Residential, Low Income Residential
Incentive Amount :
Implementing Sector : Local
Category : Regulatory Policy
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Commercial, Industrial, Residential, Multifamily Residential
Incentive Amount :
Implementing Sector : Local
Category : Regulatory Policy
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Commercial, Industrial, Nonprofit, Residential, Schools, Institutional
Incentive Amount :
Implementing Sector : Local
Category : Regulatory Policy
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Local Government, Residential
Incentive Amount :
Implementing Sector : Local
Category : Regulatory Policy
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Commercial, Industrial, Residential
Incentive Amount :
Implementing Sector : Local
Category : Regulatory Policy
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Commercial, Industrial, Residential
Incentive Amount :
Implementing Sector : State
Category : Regulatory Policy
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Commercial, Industrial, Local Government, Nonprofit, Residential, Schools, State Government, Federal Government, Agricultural
Incentive Amount :
Implementing Sector : State
Category : Regulatory Policy
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Commercial, Industrial, Residential
Incentive Amount :
Implementing Sector : Local
Category : Regulatory Policy
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Commercial, Industrial, Local Government, Residential, Agricultural
Incentive Amount :
Implementing Sector : Local
Loan Program
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Local Government, Schools, Institutional
Incentive Amount :
Implementing Sector : State
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Commercial, Industrial, Local Government, Nonprofit, Schools, State Government, Federal Government, Tribal Government, Agricultural, Multifamily Residential, Institutional
Incentive Amount :
Implementing Sector : Utility
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :!ut/p/b1/nVRNj9owFPwruweOVl5sJ7aPQYWQLN-hdMkF5cvULTiskqLu_vqaFVJLEATqS2xl3ujNvLGt2Hq1Yp0c1CapVamT7fEcu2ub-94giCCYRIM-BF0c-KNwSjgjBrAyALiyPPisFz70BuEEAn8xIxCQGYwjzyMArvXNiq040_W-_m6tqqxYZ
Applicable Sectors : Commercial, Industrial, Local Government, Nonprofit, Schools, State Government, Federal Government, Tribal Government, Agricultural, Multifamily Residential, Institutional
Incentive Amount :
Implementing Sector : Utility
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors :
Incentive Amount :
Implementing Sector : Utility
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Commercial, Industrial, Local Government, Nonprofit, Schools, State Government, Federal Government, Institutional
Incentive Amount :
Implementing Sector : Utility
Category : Financial Incentive
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Commercial, Industrial
Incentive Amount :
Implementing Sector : Utility
Appliance/Equipment Efficiency Standards
Category : Regulatory Policy
Website :
Applicable Sectors :
Incentive Amount :
Implementing Sector : State
Generation Disclosure
Category : Regulatory Policy
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Investor-Owned Utility, Municipal Utilities, Cooperative Utilities
Incentive Amount :
Implementing Sector : State
Community Solar Rules
Category : Regulatory Policy
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Commercial, Industrial, Local Government, Nonprofit, Residential, Schools, Federal Government, Agricultural, Multifamily Residential, Low Income Residential
Incentive Amount :
Implementing Sector : State
Green Power Purchasing
Category : Regulatory Policy
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Local Government
Incentive Amount :
Implementing Sector : Local
Public Benefits Fund
Category : Regulatory Policy
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Commercial, Industrial, Investor-Owned Utility, Municipal Utilities, Residential, Cooperative Utilities, Institutional
Incentive Amount :
Implementing Sector : State
Solar/Wind Contractor Licensing
Category : Regulatory Policy
Website :
Applicable Sectors : Installers/Contractors
Incentive Amount :
Implementing Sector : State
What is the best way to pay for solar?
Cash payments
Paying cash upfront is easily the simplest and most cost-effective route — if you can afford it. It lets you maximize your total savings by avoiding interest rates and other fees. You also don’t have to worry about making monthly payments. But the downside is you have to spend a lot of cash at once which isn’t an option for everyone.
Financing solar panels is probably the most common payment method. You get to own the system — as opposed to leasing — but you don’t have to spend all your cash at once. And although you do have to pay interest, you can secure a fairly low interest rate as long you have good credit.
Solar leases and PPA agreements
If purchasing solar equipment isn’t an option for you, a lease or a PPA may be worth exploring. This is where you are essentially “renting” the equipment for a fixed rate each month. And although you don’t have ownership of your system, there are other benefits such as maintenance and servicing agreements.
Going solar doesn’t have to break the bank
Going solar is becoming more affordable than ever. And thanks to a variety of solar incentives in California, you can save thousands more on your investment.
Want to get an idea for what it will cost you to go solar? You can use our solar cost calculator to generate a customized estimate instantly. We take into consideration a wide range of criteria including location, electric bill, roof size, and other factors. Try it out today and start planning for your future.